Was given a pound of N-133 Powder. Would like to use it in a 6x45 bolt action. Would anyone have a load or two to share?
N-133 in the 6x45 ?
- Last Post 19 January 2016
posted this
19 January 2016
The 6x45 is a .223 case necked up to 6mm. You will be OK using a starting load of 13 grs and working up. I have used 13 and 14 grs in my 223.
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posted this
18 January 2016
I have the Old Loverin Lyman mold that cast a 85gr 6mm bullet. Trying to find a N-133 load for it in the 6x45 :hunt:
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posted this
18 January 2016
I use 27grs. of 133 in my 308 Winchester. I also use 27grs. of Varget. Both powders do verywell. I think the favorite amoung cast target shooters is 135.
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