Please define Cast bullet Bench rest

  • Last Post 16 January 2016
DeadWoodDan posted this 15 January 2016

I am lucky enough to have a wife who listens ( only took her 17yrs .>) and surprised me with my first firearm;  Savage Model 12, .308Win 1:12twist 30” barrel in a Savage laminate bedded BR stock.

I am very excited to shoot both jacketed and cast through it, even though the cast may be put off at first.  With that said I have everything but optics and dies and will be ready for Spring.

Any place to find if there are Cast Bullet shoots in Central IL?

Thanks Kevin

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RicinYakima posted this 16 January 2016

Kevin, Go to the HOME page and look for match results, they say where matches are being shot.

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norm posted this 16 January 2016

Dan, Windhill range near Aledo,IL. Traditional BR matches during the Summer and Military matches the Winter. Check match schedule for dates and contact information.

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