going to make bullets for a friend with a 36 navy colt replica. I was going to order the Lee 2-Cavity Bullet Mold 375-130-1R (375 Diameter) 130 Grain 1 Ogive Radius Conicalinstead of the 357 mold that shoots soft lead, If I am one the right track so far I need a lube sizing die. I realize that slugging the barrel is the best way to go but I dont have the gun. I was hoping that someone might know if these barrel diameters run about the same diameter.Any advice would be much appreciatedThanks Brad
sizing die for 36 Navy Colt
- Last Post 13 November 2015
Load soft bullets as-cast and unsized, as they will be “sized” by the loading lever forcing them into the chambers. You want a snug fit, otherwise bullets will move under recoil and you lose powder compression.
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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Okay thank you Ed. I suppose tumble lubing is the only option then right? Thanks Brad
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Usually cap and ball revolvers are lubed by wiping grease over the chambered bullet. It keeps the black powder fowling soft and lubes the bullet a little. At BP speeds lube is not a big factor. Brodie
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The grease also keeps the firing chamber from setting off the adjacent cylinders. This is a very bad thing when one of them is under the guns frame.
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