I have two Spanish Mausers (small ring, cock on closing) where the firing pins protrude slightly when the firing pin us NOT cocked.
The first is marked Oviideo 1898, sporterized and the model is unknown.
It has an 18” barrel. The firing pin protrudes only enough to feel with the tip of my finger.
It feeds fine.
The second is a FR7 (7mm Model 1916, rebarreled to 7.62 CETME). It has been completely scrubbed of all markings, which is common with this model.
The firing pin protrudes approximately ½ mm (eyeballing with a metric ruler).
If not held muzzle down when feeding a loaded round from the magazine, the top of the case rim will catch on the firing pin, and jam.
The FR7 bolt will fit in the other rifle, and chamber rounds fine.
The other bolt will not fit into the FR7, because it interferes with the scope.
I've partially disassembled the FR7 bolt (I'm unable to get the bolt sleeve off), and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong.
Any ideas on where to go from here?