So there is a significant issue forming with magnum pistol powders for the 357 and 44 class, I.e., W296/H110 and 2400. Im a tricky dude and can/have/will use just about anything on hand to make a gun go bang and pretty accurate.
But quantity is always best, same lot, lots of pounds, makes for easier reloading.
WC820 is a mag pistol powder, similar to H-108 or is equal to it, blah blah bah.Its a good sub for W296/H-110 at max loads and thats what I am aiming for. likewise 860 is a 50 BMG pdr, super slow but has applications in cast bullets, my 25-06 and other overbore cartridges. I have chosen to virtually eliminate all my standard jacket bullet shooting. I still will keep the large supply of jacket bullets I have for the sake of preparedness, but otherwise I will shoot cast.
Much like Ed Harris, id like to consolidate my powder supply down. I like having 20 lbs on hand of a powder. I don't like having 20 lbs of powder in 20 different configurations and lots, even though no one powder covers your butt fully, rifle or pistol. Also unlike Ed, I refuse to use Bullseye for eye infections, ingrown toenails, fertilizer, anti fungal cream preparations, toothpaste, hair dye, plasters, handgun, rifle, howitzer and sub-atomic devices. I understand BE is the end all BE all (pun intended), NO OFFENSE TO ED either!!!.......... its genius I admit...... but Id rather not use BE. Unique, yes. So there is the basis for the question. I have access to a large supply of NEW Production (not pulldown) WC-820 and everyone has access to current supplies of WC-860. I would like to liquidate much of my supplies of powder and narrow the field of choice. If I need a special powder for a gun, then Ill buy 1 LB! Otherwise if I can get away with some RL 19 (everything that needs balls), Unique (anything needing reduced loads, shotgun), Wc844/846 (223), Green Dot (reduced loads again and shotgun), WC820 (mag handgun) and WC860 (all bottle neck cast HEAVIES within reason), id be very happy. I don't need to max out velocity for anything except my 22-250 (Varget, need to add varget)
Cartridges I shoot:22-250243223 (SHTF fodder only)12/20 ga25-06AI'06 and a variety of necked down wildcats (nothing necked up)7mag7x578x576x5530/30 and severely necked down wildcats (6mm Bullberry- nothing necked up)22 hornet(k)a variety of magnum handgun cartridges and super mags9mm8x58RD swedish rollersThere are many more but that covers the general classes.Most all are cast only.Most all are ALL IN loads or cast reduced loads to fit the action used. The powders I can't live w/o realistically: 4227VargetW680 (yes I have 24 lbs of fresh (N) not pulldown)UniqueGreen DotW296 or 2400 or H110 or equivalentRL-19 or equivalent4895 or equivalent and Holy Black which has taken over my life for the last 5 years.
RL-19, 4895 could be narrowed to just one!296/2400/110 could be narrowed to WC-820 based on current cartridges employing it.Unique and Green Dot are so close they could usurp each other.W680 has no replacement, it is the same powder that people in heaven use to shoot.Varget has to stay or I switch to H-380 which I have a lifetime supply of.4227 is the food for the super mags under 44 cal. Above 44 cal is 680, pending barrel length.
In your experience, WC-860 rifle powder, using big heavies for each application, only in bottle necks, can I reasonably rely on shooter (not match) grade performance for reduced loads in the aforementioned cartridges? Likewise can/does WC-820 have a role in reduced RIFLE APPLICATIONS??And of course is WC-820 a close enough partner to rely on for magnum handgun?
Keeping the mind open here. I don't care to experiment any more. I don't need a lab full of specimens any more.
Thanks in advance for your input. Ive already read what the internet has to offer, parsed all my data books old and new....... I would like real world experience, not judgements based on speed charts and BS that comes from the side of ones neck.
If you haven't used the powders mentioned, then please refrain from input. If you know someone who has, please feel free to interject or relay information, not load data, just information gained experientially!!! Not HYPOTHETICAL!!