Is your club shooting two shots per score target and calling it a registered match? It is not. Some clubs have been doing this for years and passing it off as a registered, legal shoot. Now, some your match and regional directors have proposed a rule change (FS 234) to make this practice legal. Their reasoning to change this rule is it would eliminate two target changes. Our current rules have worked perfectly for 38 years allowing the CBA to have a strong competitive shooting program. Changing this will weaken our serious competitive program. This change, if approved, will change us from a major league shooting program to minor league.
Propsed Rule Changes for CBA
- Last Post 01 April 2015
I agree with BigBoreBob wholeheartedly. We must have uniform procedures at all registered CBA matches. Twice I have travelled to a club for a CBA match and found out that they shot two shots on each record bull. I did shoot the match but I am not going back to either club unless I know the club is following the rule book.
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Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest
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