Hello, New to the forum, but not to casting. Like shooting the Webley .455 and up until now I have only loaded the Hornaday 265 lead or my own cast 265 using the RCBS mould. I found an old Lyman 457196 some time back and have cast a set of 50 pcs. today. Sized to .455” and lubed they weigh 332 grains. The data I have found on this pattern says it should be 290 grains. Maybe the base core is different than original. Anyway, has anyone loaded a bullet of this weight in a .455 Webley? I have a few Smith's, Colt's, & Webleys that I shoot, all in .455. Thanks in advance. Bruce
.455 Webley Loading Experience
- Last Post 23 February 2015
While I load and shoot the .455, nothing over 305 grains as that is what my #457196 casts from 30/1. It was made in the 1970's and casts at the 290 from Lyman #2 alloy. Combustion volume is so small even in the black powder .88” cases that I ended up using a chronograph to do the load work-up. I settled on 4.5 grains of WW231 for the 265 @ 700 f/s and 3.7 grains of WW231 with the 305 grain @ 625 f/s. I consider these maximum everyday loads.
Hope that is some help. Ric
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Thanks Ric, I'll give this a data look. Below is the actual mould with the core plug and a completed bullet. I have a copy of "Complete Guide To Handloading” by Philip Sharpe. It had some load data for the Webley with this bullet, but the powders are Dupont #5 and #6. These are long obsolete. All the best. Bruce
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The plug for forming the HB on mine is about twice that long and tapers to a rounded point under the top lube groove.
Lyman/Ideal handbook #39 lists loads for only Colt and S&W revolvers with the long .884” case and the 290 HB bullet. 3.0 grains of Bullseye @ 625 f/s and 5.0 grains of Unique @ 700 f/s.
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The plug diff explains the weight variation I have. Thanks for the info. Got this mould off gun broker a few years ago and it was not complete. I cast other patterns for the .45 revolver all the way up to ~400 grains. This is going to be interesting. Thanks Bruce
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It has been cold here in Texas so I had some time to work on this yesterday. Here is the test revolver and the loaded cartridges with projectiles for comparison. Projectiles weigh 330 grains. Using Fiocchi brass. Hope I can test the load this week. Bruce
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