Dry Patching?

  • Last Post 17 January 2015
.22-10-45 posted this 16 January 2015

Is anyone dry patching their bullets?  Seems like it would prevent any paper from sticking to bullet..& permit loading right after patching.

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Brodie posted this 16 January 2015

You might want to go over to the Cast Boolits web site, check out the forum on paper patching with smokeless powder, and look up 303 Guy's posts.  He dry patches and uses a tiny dab of glue to keep it from unwrapping. I paper patch for both my muzzle loader and some smokeless cartridges, but I wet wrap.  The paper looses some strength while wet, but I find it easier to do. Also, check out the stickies on that forum.  You will be surprised at the wealth of information. Brodie


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.22-10-45 posted this 16 January 2015

I usually use damp patch, but after reading Handloader article by Ross Seyfreid on the .360 2 1/4” BPE, he uses .38 revolver bullets patched..I decided to give it a try..only template close was for .40 cal. I thought this would be way too long..but if patch was barely damp..patch edges nearly touched. Dry patching left around .05” gap. Don't have a .360...yet! but I know now I can feed it.

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 16 January 2015

a few years ago somebody tried using sticky address labels ... anybody tried this ? it makes so much sense ...

i wonder if some of the sticky label falls off, some doesn't ...

interesting article on paper patching in latest FS ; but after reading it 3 times, i ain't got it ... anybody interpret for me ??


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mckg posted this 17 January 2015

Veral, who is still one of our moderators but forgot about us a long time ago ;):



I wonder why the lube doesn't affect the label's glue...

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