missouri bullet casting alloy

  • Last Post 23 January 2015
blackhawk posted this 27 March 2014

Curious as to members' results/thoughts casting with Missouri Bullet Co.'s alloy.

Thx to all.


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highstandard40 posted this 27 March 2014

I have some of the Missouri Bullet Company alloy that I purchased about 3 years ago. I have had very good results casting with it. I tested the BH and my particular batch is as stated in their ad as far a hardness but I have not had it analyzed for content and have not purchased any lately.

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coffeeguy2 posted this 23 January 2015

I guess it's nice for the consistency you'd get, especially if you need consistency in what you're casting. That said, at $2-plus per pound before shipping it's more than I'm willing to pay. I can get pure lead for $.80 per pound at the scrap yard, and scrounge enough wheel weights for now, pewter items at thrift stores and hardened lead shot that I can smelt/cast all I need for general plinking and even hunting.

If I shot cast bullets for competition, I'd certainly go with something like MBC sells, though.

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